Small Projects
BBC Clone
This project shows multiple skills using HTML and CSS.
This is a clone of the Technology Page from the BBC website. The page I used to model my clone after is old and styles may have changed on the live site.
Reaction Test
This project shows some basic skills using JavaScript.
This is a simple game to time how fast the user can click on the displayed shape.
Code Player
This project shows skills in basic jQuery.
For this project the user enters their HTML, CSS and JavaScript code into the appropriate locations and the result is displayed in the output column. The user can also toggle which columns they want to view at any given time.
App Landing Page
This project shows basic skills using Bootstrap.
This is a demo page for a clients app. Bootstrap was used to create a professional and responsive page.
JavaScript Tutorial Projects
Here are several projects which I created the JavaScript for while
working through the "Complete JavaScript Course 2022" by Jonas
Disclaimer: The HTML and CSS were entirely done by Jonas
Guess My Number
A simple guessing game between you and the computer. The purpose of this project was to become comfortable altering the DOM using JavaScript and event handlers.
Pig Game
A simple dice game between two players. The purpose of this project was to become comfortable altering the DOM using JavaScript and event handlers.
Bankist App
A demo for a bank app. Login with:
user: js, pin: 1111
user: jd, pin: 2222
This project allowed me to combine what I had learned of arrays, functions, dates, timers, and the DOM into one functioning program.
Bankist Home Page
A demo home page for the Bankist App.
This project allowed me to practice old skills and add new ones
such as lazy loading images, revealing elements upon scrolling,
navbars and related features, modals, and slides with a dotnav.
Mapty App
An app for logging and recording workout sessions.
This project allowed me to practice old skills and add new ones
such as OOP, geolocation, local storage, and external libraries.